Who Am I


~ Reiki Master Healer ~


~ Yoga Teacher: All level, Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin Pre+Postnatal and Private ~


~ A lover of nature, herbal teas, deep soulful chats, sunrise, manifestation, sunshine, adventure, the moon + summer fruits ~

I have always felt guided by my intuition. I may not have always been aware of what was guiding me, but the intuitive pull from my heart space was and will always be a key player in my life decisions.

I was raised in a spiritually conscious household, where it wasn’t unusual to say a positive affirmation in the morning and practice gratitude before bed, call on spirit guides for protection, or pull out an angel card for guidance.

I guess you could so that becoming a spiritual mentor was always in my path and at my core. I have taken numerous detours, but I now see them as stepping stones through my journey of learning to trust that I was exactly where I needed to be.

My life for 10+ years looked significantly different to what it does now… Since graduating university, I had started working my way up the ‘corporate ladder’ in an insolvency accounting firm. I was motivated to work toward my ‘corporate women’ goal and make a difference where I could in that way, keeping my health/spiritual presence as a “side hustle”.


My Daily

(as well as keeping it real as sometimes ‘life’ just happens)

1. Wake: three slow deep breaths to set me up for my day

2. Lemon water first thing 

      3. Workout – this can be a run, weights or a HIIT session

4. Yoga – sometimes 10 mins and other times hours go by 

      5. Breakfast and a cup of tea – my favorite meal of the day (preferably outdoors)

6. I end the day with asking my hubby what he was grateful for today and I share mine 



Fast forward to today, in between traveling Australia and becoming a mother, you will find me sharing my love as a Reiki Master Healer working with others to heal on all levels and as a Yoga Teacher, often combining the two in my signature Reiki-Infused Yoga Classes.

Essentially, I had reached a point that I could no longer ignore, that internal feeling I needed to explore a little more. You know that Intuitive place I spoke about earlier, well that was screaming at me loud and clear! So I made a choice, I took a leap and I trusted, and boy am I so glad that I did. It was by no means an easy choice, I mean for years being that corporate women was my identity and here I was about to mix that up (more on this in one of my journal posts).

Reiki and Yoga have been two primary healing modalities that have assisted me personally in more ways than one. Now as a reiki master healer and yoga teacher, infusing my love for both of these, I tap into my intuitive nature to help deliver others the mentoring they need to re-discover the true essence of themselves.

I look forward to connecting with you.


Love and Gratitude,

Karlee xo

~ Find Me on Your Socials ~

~ Sharing our way of life as we travel Australia and I spread Yoga and Reiki vibes as we go ~